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Animal Health and Welfare

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If you’ve been following the news, you’ve likely come across stories about growing concerns around factory farming and chemicals in our food.

Most recently, a pair of new scientific studies suggests that chicken on factory farms are routinely fed caffeine, active ingredients of Tylenol and Benadryl, banned antibiotics and even arsenic.

Does such news of poor livestock treatment and living conditions have you seeking out a safer, healthier method of food production?

Animal welfare is a top priority for organic farmers. By law, organic farmers are required to raise animals without the use of antibiotics or synthetic growth hormones. Plus, organic farmers must provide animals with 100% organic feed and safe, clean, cage-free living conditions.

In addition, organic farmers must provide their animals with access to the outdoors and pasture so that they can freely roam about. In fact, organic standards require that cows graze on rich, nutritious grass for a minimum of one third of their lives.

The result: healthy, happy animals that are encouraged to exhibit the behaviors nature intended and less exposure to the chemicals that you and your family wish to avoid.

organic cows on pasture

Organic Standards Support and Promote Animal Health

Organic vs. Conventional Livestock Production: A Side-by-Side Comparison

Access to the Outdoors

An Alternative to Antibiotics

Organic is Good for Cows, Too