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Wildly Affordable Organic

Here, Linda Watson, author of Wildy Affordable Organic, helps demystify product labels and offers

Sealing the Deal

Cherries are among our Savvy Organic Shopper’s favorite summertime foods.  She was pleasantly surprised, then, when she found organic cherries on sale for just $4.99 per pound at Trader Joe’s

Smart Style

Our Savvy Organic Shopper loves to buy organic clothing. Made without the use of toxic and synthetic pesticides, it is great for her health as well as the health of the planet.

Mid-Morning Snack

Like many people, our Savvy Organic Shopper likes to enjoy a piece of fruit as a mid-morning snack.

A Trusted Time-Saver

Like many people, our Savvy Organic Shopper is tight on time when it comes to making dinner.

Affordable organic family meals

On a recent trip to Whole Foods Market in Columbus Circle in Washington, D.C., our Savvy Organic Shopper came across a number of competitively priced organic ingredients that can be used to make delicious, and affordable, family meals. Let’s start with pasta. Organic fusilli pasta was priced $1.29 per pound, while conventional was $.99 per pound.  Now let’s look at chicken, another great staple to have on hand for family meals. Natural chicken breasts were priced at $4.99, while organic were $6.99. How about cherry tomatoes?

Farmers Markets

The Savvy Organic Shopper stopped by the Dupont Circle Farmers Market in Washington, D.C.  and found competitive prices on local, organic foods. Vine-ripe organic tomatoes were being sold for $3.00 per pound, while conventional tomatoes were $4.50 per pound. Organic eggplant was $2.60 per pound, whereas conventional eggplant was $3.60 per pound. At $2.00 per pound, organic cucumbers were also a dollar cheaper per pound than their conventional counterparts. 

Private Label Products

USDAOn a recent trip to Safeway in Washington, D.C., our Savvy Organic Shopper found that the price of a number of organic products beat out their non-organic, name-brand equivalents. A 32-ounce container of private label (more commonly thought of as “store-brand”) O Organics chicken broth was $2.99, while the same amount of non-organic chicken broth was $3.19.